Devils Elbow

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Devils Elbow, Missouri is an unincorporated community in Pulaski County on historic U.S. Highway 66. It is situated on the Big Piney River and is named for a particularly bad place in the river known as a "devil of an elbow". The community is about five miles east of St. Robert. The floods of May 2017 destroyed much of the historic area, including the post office, but it is in the process of being rebuilt.A post office called Devils Elbow was in use from 1927 untll the floods in May 2017. The first Postmaster was Dwight Rench, who with his two sons built the Devils Elbow Café, from stone taken from the bluff along the river. It became known as the HideAway in the 1950s. Several cabins were also built for fishermen who would come to fish the river. The community took its name from a nearby meander on the Big Piney River.The major east-west route is Interstate 44; before that, the main highway was U.S.